- Hemsida Ignition switches
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Innre motor 12 cil (3)Innre motor 6 cyl (3)Motorfäste 12 cil (1)Notorreglage och varvtalsreglering 12 cil (1)Notorreglage och varvtalsreglering 6 cyl (1)Olje filter och kylning 12 cil (2)Olje filter och kylning 6 cyl (2)Smörjmedel (2)Topplock (1)Topplock 6 cil (1)Viktigaste delar 12 cil (1)Viktigaste delar 6 cil (1)Yttre motor 12 cil (2)Yttre motor 6 cil (2)
Sufletter och hardtops
Ignition switches
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Ignition switches
Jaguar XJS - Ignition switches | Webshop Anglo Parts
Switches are often used in the electrical circuit of your Jaguar XJS. They make it possible to make or break the electrical flow. Anglo Parts has a wide range of authentic time-period switches such as: toggle switches, pull switches, rocker switches and rotary switches.
There are many differents kinds of switches, there is also a difference in the way they are installed. You have switches with sliding contact, solder contact and screw contact.
Anglo Parts only offers high-quality parts, our switches are known fort heir durability. We only support brands such as Lucas Electrics and other producers that guarantee optimal performance on your Jaguar XJS.