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Land Rover Defender 90-110 1984-2006 - Autobatterien

The car battery ensures that your Land Rover Defender 90-110 starts, the car lights work and that you can listen to the car radio. Over time, however, this battery becomes weaker and then it's time to replace it. In winter, you're also more likely to notice that your car battery is starting to wear out, because at low temperatures it has less capacity and then isn't powerful enough to start the engine.

Signs of a defective battery
-The car is difficult to start
-The battery discharges very quickly
-Starting is difficult and unstable
-The connections become very hot

Causes of battery failure:
- Continuing to drive a car whose battery is low or has not been used for a long time 
- Damage due to cold, for example, can cause the casing to swell, deform or crack. This results in too little fluid in the battery

Replacing the battery:
Changing a car battery is done as follows:
1. Turn off the ignition and open the bonnet
2. Remove the bolt
3. Remove the negative connection from the battery
4. Remove the protective cap and remove the positive connection to the battery
5. If the battery is fixed with a bracket, remove it
6. Remove the car battery
7. Insert the new battery
8. Do the steps from bottom to top to complete the installation

At Anglo Parts we only sell the best quality car batteries. Our batteries are known for their durability.