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Triumph Spitfire MKI-III, 4, 1500 1962-1980 - Bremsscheiben

A brake disc is a component of the braking system of your Triumph Spitfire MKI, Triumph Spitfire MKII, Triumph Spitfire MKIII, Triumph Spitfire 4, Triumph Spitfire 1500. This is responsable for slowing and stopping your vehicle. The brake system is a very important part of your classic car and needs to be checked regurarly

Types of disc brakes
Ventilated: two plates well-spaced from each other
Non-ventilated: a massive plate, sometimes with or without holes

Malfunctions of the brake disc are easily recognised. If the vehicle deviates from a predetermined path of movement, or you hear any whistling or grinding noises when braking, your break pedal vibrates when you press it and a significant increase in braking distance are all signs of a faulty disc brake.

A disc brake is a consumable part that needs replacement, every 30-40 thousand kilometers. Exact recommendation is specified in the technical specifications of the vehicle. Depending on a few factors disc brakes need to be replaced early: prolonged exposure to moisture, low-quality parts, damage of mechanical origin, systematic hard braking.

Anglo Parts only offers high-quality parts, our disc brakes are known for their durability. We only work with suppliers that can guarantee optimal performance of your Triumph Spitfire MKI, Triumph Spitfire MKII, Triumph Spitfire MKIII, Triumph Spitfire 4, Triumph Spitfire 1500. We also sell other parts of the brake system such as brake pads, drum brakes, calipers, etc.