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Teil Nr 402.183

A18970 402.183 ersatzteile

€ 33.05 Exklusive MwSt **

€ 39.99Inklusive MwSt * **

Nicht vorrätig
* Alle Preise verstehen sich ohne Versandkosten und mit einem Standard-Mehrwertsteuersatz von 21 %. Einige Teile und Produkte können nicht zurückgegeben werden. Eine Liste der Ausnahmen finden Sie auf unserer Webseite Retouren (Siehe Footer).
** Der Preis ist ein Richtwert, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, um Preis und Lieferzeit zu erfahren.

A18970 ersatzteile

Castrol GTX 20W-50 (4L) – Ultimate Protection for Your Engine. Product Description: Castrol GTX 20W-50 is a high-quality mineral-based motor oil designed to provide superior engine protection and performance. Its advanced formulation helps prevent sludge build-up, reduces wear, and enhances engine longevity. This thick and durable oil is ideal for older engines, high-mileage vehicles, and those operating under extreme conditions. Whether you drive a classic car, a heavy-duty vehicle, or a motorcycle, Castrol GTX 20W-50 ensures optimal lubrication, thermal stability, and wear protection. It meets or exceeds industry standards, making it a reliable choice for petrol and diesel engines. Key Benefits: Superior Sludge Protection – Helps prevent the formation of harmful deposits. Advanced Wear Protection – Reduces metal-to-metal contact for extended engine life. Thermal Stability – Performs efficiently under high-temperature conditions. Enhanced Viscosity – Provides consistent oil flow for better lubrication. Reduces Oil Consumption – Minimizes burn-off and evaporation. Ideal for Older Engines – Formulated to maintain and protect high-mileage vehicles. Product Specifications: Viscosity Grade: 20W-50. Oil Type: Mineral-based. API Standards: Meets or exceeds API SN/SM/SL. Recommended For: Petrol and diesel engines, including high-mileage and classic vehicles. Packaging Size: 4 Litres.