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Delivery information

Delivery information

Delivery times

The duration of delivery depends on the availability of the ordered product.
Check the availability status on the page of the product of your interest.

⚠️ There are no deliveries on bank holidays

International deliveries are handled by 

Product availability


🟢 of 🟡

The products is available and in stock. Products with this status will be send max 4-5 days after receiving the payment, though we strive to send within 24 hours after the payment has been received.

Not available

Add a photo to highlight additional product details. Include a description to tell your customers about all the benefits of your product.

Anglo Parts recommends to wait for the ordered spare parts to arrive before making an appointment at your mechanic.

The duration of the delivery is depending on the destination, country, availability of the ordered products, bank holidays as well as unexpected issues with the delivery service.

Delivery of bulky products

Delivery of bulky products

A product can have the label 'voluminous'. It means it's labelled as bulky in our system.
Examples of bulky products are heavy or very large products such as rear wings, car door, etc.
When a product has a bulklabel it means:
Does not fit in a standard box
It's too heavy

Examples of heavey products
• Catalytic convertor
• End silencer
• Middle silencer
• Exhaust
• Body / Chassis parts
• Running boards
• Fuel tanks
• Body panels
• Bumpers
• Roof rack
• Engine block
• Axles
• Rear window / Front windshield
• Gearbox
• Professional toolboxes

Shipment costs of bulky products

When you place an order containing a bulky product you cannot complete the payment because the shipment cost is unknown. We will send an email to you with updated shipment costs and request to pay through Accept-email. Clicking the link will bring you to a secure payment page where you can finish your payment. After we have received the payment your order will be processed.
Questions? View our FAQ or contact us at sales.belgium@email.com or +32 (0)15 34.25.55